Furmeet Bern 22.01.2022


16:00 - 23:45


Bächeli 1, Seftigen, Bern, 3662, Thun administrative district


The next Furmeet Bern at the «Bärenhöhle» will take place on the 18th of december. In light of the current situation, the event will be held with a 2G+ restriction. Entrance is only allowed to people with a vaccination or recovery no older than four months or who have been tested in addition to the vaccination or recovery. Best is a (free) antigen-quicktest at a pharmacy or test center, but we do allow self-tests that have been done on the same day. These should be presented at the bar together with the Covid-certificate. This is not only for the protection of our guests but also for the protection of us staff members. Please remember that our location is privately hosted so we are the only people responsible. We hope you understand.

The general rules for the Furmeet can be found here: Furmeet Bern

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the following additional rules apply for the time being:
– Entrance only with vaccination or recovery no older than four months, or with a test in addition to the vaccination or recovery. The Covid-certificates/self-tests will be checked at the bar.
– You are not allowed to attend if you are feeling sick or if you had contact in the last 7 days with a person having COVID-19
– Participation only above the age of 16
– Attendance is only allowed with registration https://t.me/baerenhoehlechbot
– Participation is limited to 30 people.
– Follow the hygiene and social distancing rules.
– Wearing a mask is still recommended.

More details for the rules can be found here: Details Covid-19 Rules

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