Furmeet Bern

Furmeet Bern

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The Furmeet Bern is Switzerland’s second casual open meet and greet within the Swiss furry fandom. Since its inception in 2015, it has taken place in various restaurants in Bern until it moved to a privately owned location in 2019, which we lovingly call “Bärenhöhle” (bear cave). The Furmeet Bern usually takes place two weeks after the Stammi ZH, but also has occasional additional openings. Because the location is private, fursuiting is allowed and also encouraged. Otherwise, people come together to draw, to play boardgames, to dance and generally to have fun. Occasionally, there are also events preceding the Furmeet, like a gaming or drawing afternoon or a visit at the zoo.

Website: https://baerenhoehle.co/


When are the meets?

The meets take place two weeks after the Stammi ZH. Occasionally, there are also additional openings, which are announced in our Bärenhöhle openings Telegram channel or on our website. You may also find events on here.

What are the rules for the meet?

There are certain general rules in place applicable for all Bern events. Please note that specific events might have some additional restrictions etc.

Are there any age restrictions?

Yes, participation is restricted to people above the age of 16, as we are a privately hosted event.

Can I bring my dog?

Yes, dogs are allowed but they should stay in the Chillout/Lounge room as it is more calm and suitable for dogs. If the dog is stressed out or shows bad behavior towards the guest, it will not be allowed any further.

Is Fursuiting allowed?

Because it is a private location, fursuiting is allowed and even encouraged. However, please remain indoors while wearing the fursuit because of the neighbours.

Who can I speak to if I have a problem?

Always feel free to contact @NilaTheDragon@DerJomi@FireHyena or @TamuOrangeCat

General Rules

Here are some general rules for the Furmeet Bern:

  • The participation is limited to persons at the age of 16 years or above.
  • The possession, use or sale of illicit substances (drugs) is expressly forbidden and we will notify the Police accordingly.
  • Alcohol may be brought to the Furmeet, but drink responsibly, we do not tolerate excessive drinking of alcohol.
  • No-one under the age of 18 is to consume hard alcohol.
  • No-one under the age of 16 is to consume soft alcohol, such as beers and wine.
  • No-one is to knowingly purchase alcohol for someone under the age of 18. This will result in an instant, permanent ban.
  • Smoking is only allowed on the outside of the building.
  • Please keep down your volume while outside, especially after 22.00.
  • Leave the kitchen and bathroom in an orderly and clean state if you have used it.
  • Property damage is not allowed and if done on purpose will result in an instant, permanent ban.
  • Fursuits are allowed and even encouraged on the inside, but not allowed on the outside of the building.
  • Likewise, other furry items such as collars and ears may be worn, but not fetish gear.
  • Under no circumstances are you to display the symbols, signature clothing or uniforms of unconstitutional organisations or hate groups.
  • Do not bring weapons, or items that could reasonably be construed as a weapon, onto the premises. Prop weapons must be identifiable as such (eg: brightly coloured).
  • Be fair to each other. Animosities and personal fights are to be left at home.
  • Don’t leave behind any items, any legal responsibilities for them will be refused.
  • You are to adhere to all relevant legal regulations and the requests of the staff.

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