Furmeet Bern and Dealer’s Den 26.03.2022


14:00 - 23:45


Bächeli 1, Seftigen, Bern, 3662, Thun administrative district


The next Furmeet Bern at the «Bärenhöhle» will take place on the 26th of March and will be held with a 3G and self test restriction. Please test yourself at home before the event using a self test (even if you have a Covid certificate) and bring the test cassette to the Furmeet.

A Dealer’s Den will be hosted before the Furmeet, where you will be able to buy the work of local creative furries directly on site. If you are interested in selling or trading your crafts, contact @FireHyena on telegram via private message. In light of this event, the bunker will open its doors already at 14:00.

The general rules for the Furmeet can be found here: Furmeet Bern

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic the following additional rules apply for the time being:

  • Entrance only with covid certificate and self-test before the event. Please bring the sefl-tests to the Furmeet. The Covid-certificates/self-tests will be checked at the bar.
  • You are not allowed to attend if you are feeling sick.
  • Participation only above the age of 16
  • Attendance is only allowed with registration via https://t.me/baerenhoehlechbot
  • Participation is limited to 40 people.
  • Wearing a mask is still recommended

More details for the rules can be found here: Details Covid-19 Rules

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