Dealer’s Den and small Furdance @ Furmeet Bern 2022


14:00 - 21:45


Bächeli 1, Seftigen, Bern, 3662, Thun administrative district


The Furmeet Bern takes place at the «Bärenhöhle» and is a great opportunity to enjoy all things furry. You can meet friends, fursuit, draw or play games, dance or just relax and hang out. There are no Covid restrictions at the moment. There will be a small Funky Disco Furdance starting around 19:00 o’clock.

Dealer’s Den
This month’s Furmeet will be preceeded by a Dealer’s Den where you can buy a variety of crafts from other furries. The Dealer’s Den starts at 14:00 o’clock.
Here is a list of all the vendors.

The general rules for the Furmeet can be found here: Furmeet Bern

The following important rules apply for the Furmeet:

  • Participation only above the age of 16
  • Attendance is only allowed with registration
  • Participation is limited to 40 people.

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